Birthday... Matt McGrath.

Ballinabrackey man Matt McGrath celebrates 90th birthday with family

Matt McGrath from Colehill, Ballinabrackey celebrated his 90th birthday yesterday (17th July.)

His wife of 59 years Bridget and children Seán, Matt, Martin, Mary, Patricia and grandchildren Aaron and Abby want to wish him a very happy 90th birthday.

Matt McGrath has been a reader of the Meath Chronicle, "his favourite newspaper", for years. Being the sport enthusiast that he is, the sports section has always been his go to. Seán describes his father as "GAA mad." Being a non-drinker or smoker, sport is Matt's main way of socialising.

Matt was a member of the Ballinabrackey GAA team growing up until he suffered an injury at 18 which forced him to take a break. What stopped him from returning later to the sport was his commitment and dedication to his job at Bord Na Móna in which he worked until he retired at 65.

Being a religious man Matt would go to mass Sunday morning before making his way to sport matches all over the country. Seán said: "GAA is like a second religion to him."

Matt's children would describe him to be a quiet man who keeps to himself but also extremely generous and someone who would lend a hand to anyone in need whether it be a neighbour, family or friend. Growing up the children recall their father being massively involved and supportive when it came to hobbies they were passionate about. He later again showed this pride and encouragement towards his grandchildren in their sport.

Matt McGrath has always been a hardworking man and extremely family orientated. At 90 years old he remains his active self and continue to show his love for sport through watching matches, reading article and listening to LMFM's sport shows.