Works to the 15th Century Church Tower are virtually completed. Photo: Kevin Weldon

Talk on conservation of 15th century Nobber tower

A community information night on works to repair the 15th Century church tower in Nobber takes place in Nobber Heritage Centre, tomorrow (Tuesday) night from 7pm to 8pm.

A major project to remove ivy and repair and repoint the stone on the tower is nearing completion and the professionals engaged in the project will give short talks on their roles and the challenges they faced. Weather permitting this free event will be outside. There will also be a chance to see the new information panels on the history and archaelogy of Nobber that have been installed in the George Eogan Cultural and Heritage centre.

The church tower was totally overgrown with ivy before the conservation works began. Photo: Kevin Weldon.

The repairs to the tower were initiated by St John's Old Cemetery Restoration Group, funded by the Community Monuments Fund 2022 and 2023, and coordinated by the Heritage Section of Meath County Council.