Talented musician Tommie Reilly (49), acquired a brain injury following a car accident in February 2022.

‘We are focusing on the positives, of what Tommie has achieved and what he can still accomplish’

The sister of a Kells musician who was left him with life changing injuries following an accident last year has thanked the local community for their support on his road to recovery.

Tommie Reilly (49) acquired a brain injury following a car accident in February 2022. Tommie's wife Annie lives in Mullagh with their daughters Molly (11) and Ava (22) who is studying nursing.

It has been a difficult journey for the talented musician Tommie, a native of Oakley Park Kells, who has spent the last 17 months in rehabilitation learning to talk, swallow and eat again. However, he has been making great strides in his recovery and his family is hopeful for the future according to his proud sister Denise who said:

"Tommie is a gifted and versatile musician and singer who has the ability to perform all styles and genres of music including classical music and jazz piano. He has played with various bands and most recently was master of his own musical world as a gigging musician. Most people know him for his singing and playing the guitar and harmonica but he is also a very accomplished keyboard player.

"From day one we have always believed that we have to pedal in hope and believe that he is going to get better. Like any family when something like this happens, people come to you and you hear other stories and you realise very early on that it is going to be a long road, there wasn’t going to be a Hollywood ending where he would open his eyes one day and everything would be fine. His progress has been steady and it has been meaningful which is very important.”

Denise, principal of Scoil Mhuire Moynalty, praised the emergency response services and all the medical teams in the respective hospitals that cared for her brother. "They are incredible people and Tommie received excellent care in each hospital. The staff were always compassionate and understanding which was so important to all of us. He spent time in Beaumont & Drogheda hospitals, the Rehabilitation unit in Monaghan Hospital, the National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) in Dun Laoghaire and is now back in the step down unit at Monaghan Hospital.

Denise says Tommie’s positive energy and connections with people has been a driving force in his recovery. She added:

"He was a physically fit man anyway which stood to him and he always was a very positive easygoing person. Tommie is terrific company and connects easily with people forming firm friendships which are particularly important to him right now.

"He is very determined because the therapies can be difficult but as a family we are hugely indebted to the staff in the hospitals he has been in. Even when he arrived back in Monaghan in June 2023 to the step down unit there, the staff from the rehab unit all came down to see him which was so powerful and very important for him and for us."

“We recently bought a wheelchair accessible van for Tommie from Motability Ireland and it has been a real game changer. We can now take him out for a coffee or food and he can engage with life in a fuller way as he recovers further.

The Kells man's passion for music has not waned and is an integral part of the recovery and has already played a key role in his recovery process according to Denise who said:

"We do some music therapy with him, he will strum the guitar a little bit and play the harmonica with us. My husband plays the guitar and Tommie has started to sing along with him. Tommie loved the regular music nights at the NRH especially when musicians visited from the National Concert Hall. I actually say to friends that it is no surprise that Tommie sings almost better than he can talk these days!

A major boost for the talented musician was getting the chance to meet his hero American artist, Steve Earle when he played Vicar Street on 29th June 2023

"When the tickets for Steve Earle were released last March Miriam bought tickets for Tommie and Annie hoping & dreaming that he would be able to leave hospital to attend the gig for even a few short hours” said Denise.

"Amazingly, and with the blessing of the medical staff, my husband Peter brought Tommie and his wife Annie to Vicar Street with the support team of his loyal friend Ken and his bothers-in-law Ronan & John. It was an enormous achievement and a huge milestone for Tommie. Steve came to meet Tommie before the gig.

"Steve Earle went down on his hunkers in front of Tommie and held his hands in the wheelchair and said Tommie if you are a fan of mine you know I have been through tough times but my advice to you is simple ‘keep on going Tommie, keep on going’

"That was very powerful message because that gave him renewed strength, determination & focus."

The support of family, friends and relations has been the key to forging ahead and remaining positive. His sister explained:

"Every family gets their curve ball you just don’t know when it’s coming to you and I guess the greatest strength we have is each other, we are a very united family. My mother Eileen Reilly and my sister Miriam & her family live locally. I have a brother Padraig in Fremantle and a sister Rosetta in Boston both of whom have been home several times to support Tommie and his family.

"Steve Reilly, one of Tommie’s closest friends has visited from New York and keeps Tommie’s spirits up with his weekly humorous videos! My mother and my siblings along with Annie’s own family and Tommie’s friend Dwane McGovern have done everything possible to support Annie, Tommie and the girls through this challenging time.

"People have been an amazing support to the entire family. Since the day of the accident Annie has received gifts of food, logs, heating oil, flowers, cards, letters and many offers of practical support. The generosity and goodwill of so many people is overwhelming.

"We are focusing on the positives all of the time and the enormity of what he has achieved and what he can still accomplish.

Many of Tommie's friends are organising various fundraising events in the coming months. The Tommie Reilly Rehabilitation Fund has been set up to support ongoing physical, occupational & speech therapies to aid his rehabilitation.

"Tommie's Fest" is taking place in Kiernan’s Pub in Carlanstown from 28th -30th July to help raise funds towards Tommie's recovery. Expect a great line up of very seriously talented musicians who are making time to travel & play at the event. There will be a table quiz, bumper raffle, barbecue, tug of war, and the first ever Rose of Carlanstown competition! It’s a weekend not to be missed.