Community facilities for Johnstown move step closer with land transfer at Dunville

Deal to be completed on four acres before year’s end

The imminent transfer of lands at Dunville, Johnstown to Meath Co Council is paving the way for the provision of much needed community facilities for the area.

After more than 20 years of campaigning, the provision of facilities is in sight, as developers in the area have confirmed that the transfer of lands to the council will take place in the next few months, and definitely before the end of the year.

The 4.11 acres, which will be transferred Meath Co Council, can be used for a community building, playground and walkways.

Cllr Emer Tóibín was in contact with the developers in recent weeks who confirmed the timeline for the transfer of the land.

“This good news and means efforts to provide community amenities to the 11,000 strong population in Johnstown will now be progressed,” she said.

Consultants, Foster Associates Architects, who were appointed by the council to design facilities have been onsite to start work on the necessary surveys which will help inform the design of the facilities for the area.

Cllr Tóibín said ''this is very encouraging to see that the professional work is underway to advance this project. It means that when the site transfer finally completes later this year, that the preparatory aspect of the community project design will have been done and we can get onto the next stage as soon as possible."

Meath Co Council carried out consultations in the area last year with 74 per cent of respondents indicating a need for playgrounds facilities, 70 per cent wanted all-weather or other pitches and 58 per cent a community building. Other options such as seating and outdoor gym equipment are also being considered.

"The value and benefit that would accrue to the young and growing population in Johnstown through the provision of a community hub and facilities is immeasurable and they cannot come quick enough for the locals," said Cllr Tóibín.

She warned that this project cannot afford to suffer any more setbacks or delays.

"The residents of Johnstown have been let down for so many years. Children have missed out on having a local playground or sporting facilities on their doorstep to freely play in and run around with their friends. Let's hope that the recent positive news translates into this major gap being plugged and Johnstown community amenities are made a reality.”