Dunboyne Active Retired going strong 20 years on

Dunboyne's older residents are an active lot, and for the past 20 years the Dunboyne Active Retirement Association (DARA) has played a major role in the local community.

Between providing an outlet and activities for more mature residents and fundraising for good causes, the group has always been very busy.

They are currently planning a visit to Aras an Uachtarain and of one of their more recent projects was a coffee morning to raise funds for Meath Palliative Care. The group presented a cheque for €2,000 to the charity from that fund raiser.

"We have a membership of 59 people and meet every Tuesday at 10.30am in the old school in Dunboyne," says chairman, John Boyd. "Anyone over the age of 50 can join the organisation."

The group puts an emphasis on physical activity and information on topics of importance to retired members, as well as providing entertainment and a social outlet.

"We usually start our meetings with a bit of a chat and that is usually followed by bingo, which we always enjoy. Then we play a short game of bowling in the hall and the winner gets a prize."

John explains that they have different guests who come and give talks on various subjects which are of interest to the retired members.

"We also have music now and then and some local artists play and the members enjoy dancing for an hour or so.

"From September onwards we have chair aerobics with Carmel who plays country music as we exercise and sing along. We also have a walking club once a week at the Running Club , on Thursday mornings at 11am."

DARA also has an arts group and they meet on a Thursday morning in the old school at 10.30 am.

Every year, the members hold a number of charity coffee mornings and over the years have provided substantial sums to local charities.

John explains that the group enjoys plenty of days out sometimes meeting other active retirement groups for a lunch. "We meet other groups and enjoy and music and dancing for the afternoon. We are currently organising a visit to Aras an Uachtarain.

Secretary, Maureen Ganly explains that DARA organises short breaks away throughout the year. "We were in Killarney for four nights earlier in the year and enjoyed various activities during the day and lovely dinner and dancing to popular country music at night time.

"We have another trip organised for October, called the Golden Years Festival in Westport which includes five nights Bed and Breakfast and dinner each night in a lovely hotel, with live music every night . During the day we have various activities including Arts and Crafts and a dance class, card games, a cocktail class, bingo, floral demonstration and a walking tour of Westport ."

"We have a new committee this year and they are making good progress and all the members are very pro active.

"I find the Club, as people refer to it, a place where I love to go and I feel at home there every Tuesday. I have made some very good friends there and I really enjoy the camaraderie of other people

"When people retire they can sometimes find themselves at home alone, away from their busy lives and away from work colleagues which can be quite lonely. Joining a group like this can be amazing when one gets to know some of the other members and do activities together.