Navan's Conor Farrell in action against Nenagh during the AIL clash between the two teams last season. Now Navan RFC is forging links with Italian side Piacenza.

Navan RFC involved in unique twinning arrangement

Craig Williamson

Next Sunday (3rd Sept) at midday Navan Rugby Football Club will enter into a unique "rugby twinning" partnership with Italian rugby club Piacenza who are based in the Northwest of the country.

The relationship has come about as a result of the twinning between the then Navan Town Council and the nearby town of Bobbio which was established in 2003.

The twinning of Navan RFC with Piacenza Rugby Club A.S.D is a shared commitment that will allow both localities to embrace shared experiences.

Both clubs have defined objectives and activities for this twinning, including participation in shared sporting competitions, cultural understanding and educational exchange through a shared passion for rugby union football and a desire to educate and better enrich members understanding of different cultures and languages.

The twinning will run through both clubs infrastructure, including all aspects of rugby from Minis to Senior Adult level with the plan to have teams from Navan tour to northwestern Italy and for

Piacenza to send team to Navan and the Leinster North-East area.

Piacenza will be sending the following delegation to the twinning ceremony on Sunday:

Federico Grangetto: Director Of Rugby

Marco Corradi: former player & Captain Men's 1st XV

Marco Campominosi & Marilena Zazzera: Board members.

Navan RFC Club President Damien Dixon, Club Chairman Brendan Farrell, Deputy President Scott Ennis along with other members of the club's Executive Committee will host the visitors in the clubhouse for the formal launch of this twinning partnership before attending friendly match organised by one of the senior adult teams which will be followed by dinner in The Central restaurant on Trimgate Street before a trad music session in Bermingham's Bar on Ludlow Street in the town.