An Post to upgrade delivery routes in Meath

Delivery routes in Meath are set to be reviewed over the coming 18 months.

The number of parcels distributed by An Post are growing at an exceptional rate.

An Post have confirmed that they are redesigning 4,000 mail routes nationwide.

"Everything we are doing is based on our data, close anaylsis and the wealth of knowledge we have built up over the years," a spokesperson for the delivery service confirmed to the Anglo Celt newspaper.

Additionally An Post will be adjusting some of their schedules to cooperate with the changes made.

An Post are assuring the public that the changes being made are in full co-operation with their staff and with the full agreement of the Communications Workers Union:

"Any possible impact on staff numbers will be dealt with in the normal way - retirement, redeployment etc as always."

This upgrade for An Post is partly due to a halving of letter volumes in recent years and the growing number of parcels.

"It is impossible for our postmen and postwomen to deliver multiple parcels by bike alone. Our e-vans are the best and most efficient option.

"Equally many of our routes were designed at a time when the streetscape and population density of many of our towns and cities were very different from today."