Cllr Sarah Reilly (right) with Jia Zhao-Dunne, Pop-Up Swim Ireland Pool Manager (left) and Una Pearson, Meath Sports Partnership

Pop-up pool packs up after making Oldcastle splash

The Oldcastle community said farewell to it's Pop-Up Pool recently as it embarked on it’s journey to County Cavan after a five-month stay in Oldcastle.

Cllr Sarah Reilly acknowledged the dedicated efforts of the Meath Sports Partnership in introducing the Pop-Up Pool to Meath, and in particular for bringing it to Oldcastle.

"The Pop-Up Pool initiative undoubtedly enriched Oldcastle, and we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Meath Sports Partnership for actualising this endeavor. Observing the positive influence it wielded on residents was uplifting.”

The North Meath councillor also highlighted how important learning to swim is “I was lucky to learn how to swim at a young age and now as an adult, I know that learning to swim is not just a skill, but a vital life-saving tool. In a country surrounded by water, the tragic loss of 85 lives to drowning in Ireland in 2022 underscores the importance of swim education. Empowering our communities with this ability can prevent future tragedies and promote water safety."

Cllr Reilly noted, "The pool was embraced wholeheartedly, and the first-hand experiences shared by its beneficiaries served as a true source of inspiration."

Among these voices, Mr Frank Finnegan's experience was especially significant. He had played a pivotal role in advocating for Oldcastle as the pool's inaugural location.

Mr Finnegan said; "Over 51 sessions at the Oldcastle Pop-Up Pool, I witnessed a tremendous transformation in my mobility and overall well-being. Previously reliant on weekly aqua therapy in Navan the accessibility of the Oldcastle pool on a daily basis was a transformative game-changer for me."