Helen McEntee announces security review at Leinster House

The Garda Commissioner is to undertake a security review of TDs, senators, their staff and people working on the Oireachtas campus, Justice Minister Helen McEntee has announced.

The review will seek contributions from those working in Leinster House, including media, with a final report due at the end of October. Ms McEntee has also asked officials to examine whether existing legislation is sufficient to deal with “intimidation centred on our democratic institutions”.

The review comes a protest on Wednesday — in which 13 people were arrested — sparked concerns over security at Leinster House.

The justice minister said Ireland is not immune from the “coarsening of debate and physical risks that we have seen elsewhere” and pledged to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of those who participate in public life.

“It is clear that, over recent years, there has been a significant increase in the level of abuse, on and off-line, targeted at politicians, their staff and those working in our democratic institutions.

“There has been a noticeable deterioration in the tone and content of some increasingly personalised, commentary on political and public affairs, particularly on social media.

“We saw this aggression and coarseness evident in the disturbing scenes outside Leinster House this week. I am determined to take all steps to ensure this does not develop further,” she said.

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris's review will also feed into other work being carried out within the Oireachtas and elsewhere, including the review of security announced this week by the Ceann Comhairle, as well as the task force on safe participation in political life.

It will also feed into the potential impact of the new security allowance for members of the Oireachtas, which was introduced earlier this year. A justice department spokesperson said An Garda Síochána constantly monitors the security of elected representatives.

“A recent assessment of security for office holders has led to increased protection over recent years and each Garda Division has a Crime Prevention Officer who is qualified and tasked to liaise with and provide advice to elected representatives,” they said.