Medal winners on the podium in Madeira.

Crean and Foley master challenging conditions in Portugal

Two Meath runners, Karen Crean and Siobhan Foley showed how, when the going gets tough the tough get going, when they overcome hugely testing conditions and stiff opposition to claim medals at the World Masters Mountain Running Championships on the island of Madeira recently.

Crean (formerly of St.Bridget's Athletic Club and currently a member of North Westmeath AC) and Foley a member of Dunboyne Athletic Club competed for Ireland in their respective age categories against some of the best mountain runners in the world.

In a very tough uphill race which took place on the Friday of the weekend both women came away with silver medals.

Just two days later Crean competed in the longer distance race and again earned herself team silver.

A very successful weekend for the two Meath women and for the Irish contingent overall.

Karen Crean (left) and Siobhan Foley.
Karen Crean proudly waves the tricolour.
Siobhan Foley did her country proud.