Calls for greater control of animals on local beaches

Cathaoirleach of the Laytown-Bettystown Municipal District, Cllr Stephen McKee, has successfully tabled a motion to Meath County Council calling for foreshore bye-laws on the proper control of dogs on local Meath beaches to be fully enforced.

McKee said: "I am pleased that my motion calling for the greater control of animals, and dogs in particular, on our local beaches has been adopted by the Council. People regularly tell me of bad experiences they or family members have had with dogs that are not being properly controlled by their owners."

McKee pointed out how some people have a genuine fear of going to the beach and even taking their own dogs to the beach because they are afraid of the possibility of being attacked by a loose animal.

"Furthermore, we have an issue with dangerous breeds being allowed to roam the beach without muzzles on," he said. "We need much stricter enforcement of the Council’s own bye-laws. It is unfair particularly on young children and senior citizens who are most vulnerable."

The Laytown-Bettystown councillor added that in order for Meath County Council to seek Blue Flag status for Bettystown beach in due course, strict criteria will have to be met relating to the proper control of animals on the beach as this impacts also on water quality.

"As a dog-owner myself, I want to see a beach that is safe and accommodating for all but I am concerned that we still have a way to go before that is the case. I am pleased that the Council are now looking at this and have agreed as a start, to improve and enhance animal control signage at our beaches," concluded McKee.