Cost of illegal dumping outlined to councillors

The cost of repairing the effects of illegal dumping in Meath was spelled out for councillors at a recent meeting of the county council.

Fianna Fail Cllr Paul McCabe had asked for a council report on “the scourge” of illegal dumping, fly tipping and hazardous waste and the associated costs of cleaning it up.

The council spent €115,000 in €2018, €183,000 in 2019, €232,000 in 2020, €188,000 in 2021, €169,000 in 2022, and e102,000 so far this year. Council officials said that these costs do not include the indirect costs such as litter wardens, technical and administration support and associated costs.

“There are also other indirect environmental awareness costs incurred by the council which aim to address these issues associated with illegal dumping. These anti-litter initiatives, Green Kilometre, bulky waste collections and Green Schools etc.”