Council closing in on additional CCTV coverage in Navan

Extension to scheme will see a tenfold increase in the number of cameras in the town

An application for Navan's extended CCTV system is be made to the Gardai in January.

At December’s meeting of Navan Municipal Council, Cllr Francis Deane had asked for a timeline for the CCTV to be fully operational in the Navan area.

He was told the application to the Garda Commissioner was being finalised and expected to be submitted to An Garda Siochana (Navan station) in January 2024. It is likely that, once reviewed, it will be forwarded to the CCTV sub-committee of An Garda Siochana for consideration.

Subject to approval by the Garda Commissioner, there are areas within Navan town where the CCTV system can be made operational very quickly however there are other areas, such as Johnstown where it will take longer as a procurement process must take place.

Once a contractor is appointed, the ducting, poles and cameras can be installed and linked to the existing CCTV scheme and made operational.

Meath Co Council has already secured planning permission for 58 new CCTV cameras in Navan.

The extension to the CCTV scheme will see a tenfold in the number of cameras in the town. The 58 additional units will cover an extensive area including Johnstown and the laneways in the centre of the town.

Four of the new cameras will cover the Convent Road area where there have been increasing problems with anti social behaviour.

There will be cameras at the new park and ride facility at Moathill, Preston Lane, Cornmarket and adjacent to the Andy Brennan Park. Among the other new cameras will be units located at Johnstown Village, the Dan Shaw Road and Commons Road, Windtown Road, Kilcarn Bridge and St Columba's Crescent. The new cameras will be mounted on steel pole structures. There are currently six in operation in the centre of the town.