Further 2.3km of Boyne Greenway opened to public
A further 2.3km of the Boyne Valley to Lakelands Greenway is now opened.
The opening of the latest stretch from Kilmainhamwood to Russells on the Kingscourt road means that 26.3km of the greenway is now opened for the public to enjoy however access onto the regional road is not possible.
Announcing the opening of this section on Friday, 15th December, Cllr Eugene Cassidy said that Meath County Council are now working back from Kingscourt on the remaining 4km which will be completed in the first quarter of 2024.
He also mentioned that the construction company Gyproc will be installing a bridge over the greenway at their premises in early spring for that section which will be the last to open.
Meath Co Council currently have an application in with Transport Infrastructure Ireland for funding additional works which will enhance the greenway. Carparks at Gibbstown Station, Nobber and near Kingscourt are just some of the additional works. A footpath from Gibbstown Station to Kilberry and tarmacadam on the greenway section of the two local loops, Castletown and Nobber, will also be installed.
Speaking more on the works Meath Co Council has planned for the Greenway, Cllr Cassidy said: "Meath County Council will be going out to tender shortly on a new footpath that will connect Kilmainhamwood village to Whitewood Lake. These works will include a new surface from the road down to the lake, seating, information boards and signage. This work I expect to start in the second quarter of next year."
He added: "Other wonderful projects are also be looked at in the area and I hope to bring an update to you soon. But for now enjoy the new 2.3km of greenway that is opened. The Nobber/Kilmainhamwood stretch that recently opened is stunning and has been an enormous success"