The East Meath Defibrillator Unit presented Laytown Garda Unit with a new defibrillator for a patrol vehicle. Photo: Cllr Sharon Tolan (Facebook)

Defibrillator donated to Laytown Garda Unit

Hannah McNamara

The East Meath Defibrillator Unit presented Laytown Garda Unit with a new defibrillator for a patrol vehicle.

Chief Superintendent John Dollard, Superintendent Yvonne Murphy, Community Garda Deirde Semple and Cllr Sharon Tolan have been working on this joint initiative between East Meath Defibrillator Unit and Duleek Community Policing Unit over the past few months.

According to Meath Crime Prevention this is the "first joint venture in the Meath/Westmeath Division".

Members of Laytown Garda Station have recently received a refresher training on CPR and how to use defibrillators while awaiting their donated defibrillator they received today (20th December).

It was donated by Joe Shields, a cardiac arrest survivor and is now ready for use in the patrol vehicle 24/7.

Cllr Sharon Tolan said: "Well done to all the team on all of their invaluable work to help keep East Meath and Drogheda safe and well, and thank you to our Chief Superintendent John Dollard, Superintendent Yvonne Murphy and Garda Deirdre Semple from our Community Policing Unit who have been working on this initiative. It’s always great to see positive collaboration and I was delighted to attend and congratulate everyone in person."