‘Pushing for more affordable housing in Ashbourne’

CathaoirLeach of

Ashbourne Municipal Council, Cllr Conor Tormey

Housing is one of the biggest issues facing the Ashbourne area in the year ahead and we have a huge need for social housing.

In the second quarter of the New Year, we hope to be allocating new badly needed social housing to those on the waiting list.

We also need measures to help young first time buyers who are being outbidded for houses. I will be pushing for more afforable housing, as we try to tackle this problem.

Parks and open spaces are another major issue for me and I look forward to the further development of outdoor facilities in Ashbourne, which are very badly needed

I am delighted that the new playground has opened in Stamullen and progress is being made on the linear park and skate park in Ashbourne. We also need a big public open space in Ashbourne. Land has been identified for this facility and I want to see this progressing.

Community facilities are very badly needed throughout the Ashboiurne Municipal District, in Ashbourne itself, but also in Stamullen, Ardcath, Kentstown, Skryne and Tara.

I will be pushing for a new bus stop at Greenogue on the Ashbourne to Swords road. Many residents in that rural part of Ashbourne have to travel back into the town of Ashbourne to get a bus, because the bus won't top in that area.

The roadworks in Ashbourne have been dragging on for a long time, causing a lot of inconvenience and hassle especially along the main street but we hope to see it finished in the New Year.

I would like to thank you all for your support and wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.