Concerns over accident rate on the Trim-Longwood Road

A RECENT spate of accidents on the Trim-Longwood road prompted Cllr Noel French to ask the area engineer to examine the stretch of road at the recent meeting of Trim Municipal District Council.

He said there were a number of accidents in recent times involving articulated trucks and commented that speed may be a consideration, as he asked the area engineer to follow up on it.

Meanwhile, the problems caused by cars parking in Moyfenrath Estate in Enfield was raised by Cllr Noel French at the recent meeting of Trim Municipal District Council when he asked if anything could be done to alleviate the problem.

“It is not fair on residents. They are suffering. Bin lorries and other lorries have to go up onto grassy area to get access. Now that the park and ride is parked, is there anything we can do?,” asked Cllr French.

He was told that the issue was raised previously with the wardens but they don’t go into estates as there are no bye-laws in place. Cllr French responded that it was still a problem and it was the council’s problem.

Cllr Ronan Moore said there had been similar issues for housing estates in Maynooth and Kildare Co Council appeared to have come up with suggestions when facing the same challenges and he suggested that they find out what they did.