All first years in Loreto Secondary School read Michael Morpugo’s novel ‘Private Peaceful’ as part of a iniative to encourage reading for pleasure.

Loreto students look to turn the page on fall off in book reading

Before the Christmas break, first year students at St Michael's Loreto, Navan, launched their 'One Book, One Year' reading initiative.

All first years took on reading the same book as part of the initiative.

It followed a first year survey on whether they liked reading and while, 75 per cent of the 168 students said they enjoyed reading for pleasure in primary school, this reduced to just 25 per cent in first year.

The students were surveyed on a book title that they’d like to read and 'Private Peaceful' by Michael Morpurgo was the resounding winner.

Following the launch of the initiative, each student read the book for ten minutes in every class, every day for a week.

They were delighted to get their copy of the book along with some beautiful bookmarks designed by the winners of the bookmark competition. All 168 First Years designed a bookmark and a winner was chosen from each class. Each student was then given a gift of one of the winning entries.

'One Book, One Year' is to help reinstill the joy of reading for pleasure that students had in primary school and the hope is that the students will continue their reading journey long afterwards as they rediscover the joy of getting lost in a good book.