Butterfly effect on border wind farm proposals
Significant additional information including a new survey on the endangered Marsh Fritillary butterfly, has been submitted to An Bord Pleanala in relation to a planning application for a proposed 26 turbine wind farm in the Ballivor Bog Group.
Bord na Mona Powergen Limited is seeking a ten-year planning permission for the wind farm on the Meath/Westmeath border which would be operational for 30 years from the date of commissioning. The application is a strategic infrastructure development (SID) which means it is dealt with by an Bord Pleanala.
The proposed wind farm consists of 26 turbines with a tip height of 200m which would be built in the townlands of Clondalee More, Derryconor, Clonycavan, Robinstown, Coolronan, Doolystown, and Moyfeagher in Co Meath, as well as Lisclogher Great, Cockstown, Clonmorrill, Clonleame, Bracklin, Craddanstown, Killagh, Grange More and Riverdale in County Westmeath.
Bord na Mona Powergen Limited submitted its response to the observations received during the public consultation period last year and An Bord Pleanala has deemed the additional information to be significant. Therefore, a new planning notice was required to be published and the company was required to send notice of the furnishing of the information and a copy of it to the planning authorities and prescribed bodies stating that submissions or observations may be made.
The additional information and original plans are on public display for a three week period from Monday, 22nd January in Bord Pleanala's offices, and the offices of Meath County Council and Westmeath County Council or online at ballivorwindfarmplanning.ie. Submissions will be accepted in by An Bord Pleanala to 12th February.
In its letter to the applicant's agent, An Board Pleanala wrote: “I refer to the additional information received by the board in particular new ecological survey data, including Marsh fritillary survey impact assessment and management plan and Winter Bird survey data 2022 to 2023. Please be advised that the board considers that this additional information contains significant additional data.”
The proposed wind farm include 26 turbines with hardstanding areas with a tip height of 200m and a hub height of 115m and a rotor diameter of 170m. Also included in the proposal are two permanent Meteorological Anemometry Masts with a height of 115m and associated hardstanding areas and the removal of the existing meteorological mast.
Four temporary construction compounds with temporary site offices and staff facilities are proposed for the townlands of Bracklin and Grange More as well as five temporary security cabins at the main construction site entrances around the site in the townlands of Killagh, Grange More and Coolronan.
Two borrow pits are planned for the townland of Grange More and Craddanstown and all works associated with the opening, gravel, spoil extraction and decommissioning of the borrow pits.
A 110kv substation is proposed in the townland of Grange More including underground and electrical cabling connecting the turbines and masts to the proposed electrical substation.
The development also includes site access tracks of 28km and the provision/upgrade of existing/new pathways for amenity uses measuring 3.3km. Also part of the application are temporary accommodating works to the existing road infrastructure to facilitate delivery of abnormal loads at locations on the R156 and R161 in the townlands of Doolystown and Moyfeagher; accommodating works to widen existing site entrances off the R156 into Ballivor and Carranstown Bogs and the re-opening of entrances at Lisclogher and Bracklin Bogs for use as construction site entrances and to facilitate delivery and movement of turbine components and construction materials. The entrances would be used for maintenance and amenity access during the operational period.
Also included in the application are: the permanent vertical realignment of the R156 in the vicinity of the site entrance is proposed to achieve required sight lines. Permanent site entrances off a local road into Lisclogher and Bracklin Bogs are proposed to facilitate a crossing point for turbine components, construction materials and operation/amenity access; provision of amenity access and amenity pathways using existing entrances off the R156 and local roads in the townlands of Bracklin, Coolronan, Clondalee More and Craddanstown;three permanent amenity carparks in Ballivor Bog (50 spaces), Carranstown (15 spaces) and Bracklin Bog (15 spaces) and the provision of bicycle rack facilities at each location.