Meath gritter out on the Winter Gritting Route last month during the bad weather. Photo: Cllr Sharon Tolan

Salt bins approved for local communities following recent bad weather

Hannah McNamara

Cllr Aisling Dempsey's motion to provide salt bins to public buildings and housing estates has been approved.

The motion was unanimously agreed at a council meeting yesterday (29th January) following the difficulty locals faced during the recent events of bad weather.

It has been referred to the Strategic Policy Committee who will put a plan in place to implement it.

Cllr Dempsey said: "In the meantime as it could take some time, I've set aside some discretionary funding that I want to make available to residents associations and schools to purchase a salt bin for this year."

She added: "If you are in the Trim MD area or surroundings towns (such as Ballinabrackey, Rathmolyon, Clonard, etc) and are involved in a school or residents association please do get in touch with me and we'll arrange it.