Trees in the Fair Green, Athboy felled by storms Isha and Jocelyn.

Fundraising drive to clear trees brought down in recent storms

During the most recent storms that hit the country there was severe damage done within the Fair Green in Athboy with multiple trees brought down and a great deal of damage caused.

The Fair Green Trustees are aiming to fundraise to clear these trees felled by storms Isha and Jocelyn in the hopes that they can make the amenity safer for the community to enjoy the park again.

Trustees chairman, Jim Brogan said: "One of the trees damaged was an Oak tree that was a couple of hundred years old. There were also another four smaller trees that had fallen as a result of the storm.

"The Green is used every day by many people walking their dogs or going for a stroll. Luckily we were able to get pathways cleared so that the locals could continue to use the Green but we'd like to get the rest of it cleared also for the safety of the users."

Through their GoFundMe page, the committee aim to raise €3,000 to cover the costs of a tree surgeon and maintenance. Also in attempts to cover the costs, the committee plan to sell the firewood of the fallen trees.

Jim Brogan said: "Each year we spend about €400-500 on petrol for the lawnmower in order to keep the green maintained. On top of that we have public liability and insurance which is another big bill.

"We've fundraised before for the Fair Green and the people of Athboy have been very generous."

He added: "Every donation we receive will go a long way."

The Fair Green is owned by the town of Athboy and overseen by the Fair Green Trustees. It is not Meath Co Council land, however the council and local councillors have shown their support in helping maintain the area and providing funding in other instances.

With only twelve members on the committee, the Trustees organised this fundraiser to generate funds quickly to support the unforeseen costs incurred by the storms.

You can show your support for the committee by searching their GoFundMe page 'Fair Green Storm Damage Clearance'.