Ukrainian refugees to be housed at Tara Na Rí

The Tara Na Ri premises at Garlow Cross outside Navan is to accommodate Ukrainian refugees, with the first families due to arrive in the next few weeks.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has advised Meath County Council that Tara na Ri Ltd is to provide accommodation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine at the premises.

The accommodation will consist of 20 rooms accommodating families (up to 76 people) and is being delivered over two phases.

Phase One will provide five rooms to accommodate families (14 people) expected to arrive in the coming weeks.

Phase Two is currently under development with a separate access from Phase One.

Meath County Council, through the Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) will liaise with the new guests and work with local service providers including local statutory agencies to ensure supports for the guests are put in place.

Since 24th February 2022, the Department has worked to accommodate an unprecedented volume of persons seeking refuge from the invasion of Ukraine, amounting to over 104,600 people. As of 23rd February 2024, there are almost 73.4k Ukrainians currently accommodated in state accommodation, of which 55.2k are within serviced accommodation.

Currently, there are 1,791 Ukrainians in state-provided accommodation in County Meath.