Tourism boost for Kells... Will you climb the 164 steps up the Spire of Loyd?
A NEW guided tour of the Spire of Loyd aims to promote tourism to Kells.
Following investment of funding and resources by Meath County Council and Boyne Valley Tourism, guided tours will commence of The Spire of Loyd, Ireland's only Inland Lighthouse with a 164 narrow step spiral staircase.
This tourism initiative will take place every Friday from 15th March through to 27th September, excluding Good Friday (29th March).
Having worked for several years with council officials to see this initiative be delivered, Cllr Sean Drew said: “I am personallty delighted with the introduction of these guided tours. I have long felt that the Spire has been a underutilised tourism resource for Kells and the surrounding area. Hopefully if these new guided tours prove to be a success, they can be expanded upon in the future.”
The Spire was designed by Henry Aaron Baker designer of the King's Inn, Dublin for Thomas Taylour, First Earl of Bective in 1791 and provided work during the time of the local famine. The legendary Queen Maeve (Medbh) was said to camp there with her armies on her way to steal Ulster's prize stud bull in the story of Táin Bó Cúailnge (“The Cattle Raid of Cooley”).
With the building and site holding so much history, these guided tours hope to increase positive tourism for Kells.