Anne McCartney-Cutbill (Cult:Zero) and Cllr Ronan Moore (vice-chair of Trim Tidy Towns) launching the new Cloth Nappy Library service in Trim.

Time for a change?... Cloth Nappy Library launches in Trim

Hannah McNamara

As part of its ongoing efforts to reduce its use of plastic, Trim Tidy Towns has welcomed the launch of a new Cloth Nappy Library in Trim.

The Cloth Nappy Library (CLN), which will be hosted by Cult: Zero Organic Shop on Emmet Street, and funded by Meath Co Council will offer parents of newborns and infants the opportunity to move away from environmentally unfriendly disposable nappies.

Cllr Ronan Moore, Social Democrats and vice-chair of Trim Tidy Towns said: “From birth to potty training most babies will use on average 3,800 disposable nappies, which all end up either incinerated or in landfill and can take up to 500 years to break down, while the economic cost is estimated to be up to €1,500 per child. Cloth nappies offer an alternative to that.

“Just 24 cloth nappies are needed to get your baby from newborn to potty training and they can then be reused on subsequent siblings or sold on when you’re finished. This means that the final cost could be realistically anywhere from €500 down to €250 depending on whether you buy your initial set new or pre-loved and if they can be used for future siblings.

“Unfortunately, the biggest barrier to cloth nappies is that there is no one perfect nappy. What fits one baby well may not be as good a fit on another baby. As a result, it can be demoralising and costly for new parents to invest in a full set of cloth nappies, only to find out that they just do not work for your infant.

“But this is where the Cloth Nappy Library steps in. CNL Kits offer you a chance to try the service for the cost of only €20 meaning you don’t have to invest fully before you know what works best for you and your baby.

Not only does it give you the chance of finding out if reusing cloth nappies works for you, but there are also a host of different brands included in each set meaning once you find out the perfect style and fit for your baby, you can then invest in a specific set of cloth nappies, safe in the knowledge that they will work.”

Anne McCartney-Cutbill who is the proprietor of Cult:Zero where the Cloth Nappy Loan Kits will be based added:

“I am delighted that Cloth Nappy Library Ireland has given us two loan kits for Trim. I would have loved this resource as a new parent.

“The CNL kits need to be booked online on the Cloth Nappy Library Ireland website, where €20 is paid, before the parent comes into us to collect. In store, there will be two nappy loan kits. The first is for newborns, which are suitable from birth. This loan kit is for 6 weeks and includes 25 nappies and a selection of accessories to cover you for the early weeks. These are ideal if you already have some One Size or Birth to Potty nappies but don’t want to invest in the cost of buying your own Newborn nappies.

“The second set is the 10lbs cloth nappy loan kit. These are suitable for babies who are 10lbs plus. These loans are for 3 weeks and include 15 nappies and a selection of accessories. These loans are full of One Size or Birth to Potty nappies.”

The €20 paid to loan a kit for the specified weeks above is non-refundable, however will still mean you are saving money now purchasing disposable nappies.

The loan kits give you an opportunity to see what works best for you, to decide whether this environmentally friendly approach is what you want to take.