Meath Women’s Caucus focusing on encouraging women to enter politics

An update on the activities of the Meath Women’s Caucus was delivered to a meeting of Meath Co Council by its chairperson, Cllr Maria Murphy.

Since her last report to the council the caucus has gained a new member, Fianna Fail Cllr Caroline O’Reilly.

Cllr Murphy said that in December the caucus had held a conference in the Newgrange Hotel on a new sexual violence counselling service in Meath. The counselling service is part of a partnership between Meath Women’s Refuge and support services.

In a work programme for the year ahead Cllr Murphy said an event to encourage women to enter politics would be held. An application for funding, made to a Government department, had been successful and the caucus would be getting €10,000 for this purpose. She thanked Meath Co Council official, Elaine Daly for her help in making the application.

A ‘Women for Election’ programme was being organised and a meeting to progress this project had been held at Buvinda House. There had been an excellent attendance at that event which included council cathaoirleach Cllr Tommy Reilly and Chief Executive. Kieran Kehoe. There had been three online sessions and an in-person event connected with the project. Cllr Murphy thanked council officials Elaine Daly and Ailish Shaw for their help in organising the Buvinda event.