Bettystown Village estate was flooded last October.

OPW urged to publish findings of Bettystown flooding report

Fine Gael Cllr Sharon Tolan has called for pressure to be placed on the OPW to publish findings of a report into a serious flooding event that took place in Bettystown last year.

Torrential rain coupled with high tides saw over 30 homes in the seaside town destroyed by flooding in August 2023.

"Can we put the pressure on from the highest level?" asked Tolan. "People in those homes want to know what the course of action is in relation to the potential flooding of their homes going forward," she added.

The Fine Gael Cllr also called for action to be taken to prevent flooding in the Piltown Bridge area of Bettystown.

"We turn into an island when we have heavy rain and high tides," said Tolan.

"The Piltown Bridge is constantly flooding lately and all down Piltown Road from the bridge down to Bettystown Cross," she added.

"The streams all along there are completely blocked up. The water is just serious. Also the Marsh Road and Laytown Bridge, three areas where we are lucky if we can get out through Colpe through heavy rainfall and when there is a high tide. And we have a high tide twice a day every day and we are getting rain nearly every single day of the week.

"We have to do something about Piltown Bridge and that whole section of road. The residents all along there are willing to work with us but we have got to do something serious and permanent."