'We will soon see if the commitments on the reopening of the mine at this time are real or another broken promise'

The Tara Mines Group of Unions (GoU) has welcomed the decision by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to recommence talks on 15th April concerning the return to full operation of the mine, following the breakdown of discussions with management at a local level.

SIPTU Sector Organiser, John Regan, said: “It is long overdue for the mine to reopen fully.

It has been in a ‘care and maintenance’ situation for the last nine months. Workers at the mine have been living off unemployment benefits, which are now under review by the Department for Social Protection, and they now face being means-tested for Job Seekers Allowance.

“More than 400 union members attended a general meeting in Simonstown GAA club in Navan on Wednesday, 27th March. The meeting expressed full support for the intent of the Tara Mines GoU to secure an urgent agreement on the full recommencement of operations at the mine. The meeting heard some expressions of anger and frustration with the company’s failure to honour in full its commitments in a WRC agreement concluded when the mine went into ‘care and maintenance’.”

SIPTU Organiser, Andrew McGuinness, said: “We expect the management to recommence negotiations with the GoU in a positive manner. We believe the most critical issues concerning the reopening are close to being concluded. Unfortunately, more time has elapsed before an agreement has been reached on reopening the facility.”

Unite Regional Officer, Brian Hewitt, said: “The company’s previous commitments on the full reopening of the mine will soon be tested. We will soon see if the commitments on the reopening of the mine at this time are real or another broken promise.”

Connect National Official, Thomas Faulkner, said: “The company must restore their workers’ confidence concerning the written commitments it entered into on the protection of their terms and conditions of employment. The attempt to set aside this crucial issue, which played a major role in swaying workers to accept the WRC agreement last year, must be addressed if workers are to have confidence in future commitments the company may enter


Tara Mines general manager, Gunnar Nystrom said: “We look forward to resuming discussions with the Group of Unions at the WRC. Our aim remains to achieve an agreement that will allow for reopening at the earliest opportunity.

“Such an agreement will involve changes to the operation, but in order to safeguard the long-term future of Tara Mines we must ensure that the organisation is better able to withstand negative market conditions such as those that currently exist.

“The operation saw losses before tax of approximately €67m in 2023, and this would have been significantly higher had we not entered care and maintenance. Once we re-open, we want to remain open.”