Imelda Griffin who retires this week after 30 years as librarian in Nobber Library.

Imelda Griffin retires this week after 30 years of service

Nobber librarian Imelda Griffin retires this week after 30 years of service to the local community where she knew everyone by name and was always on hand to offer recommendations to library users of all ages.

Imelda who lives in nearby Drumconrath, started working as the librarian in the north Meath village in 1994 and finishes up tomorrow (Wednesday) to begin her retirement.

Looking back on her three decades in the role, Imelda said she had made the most amazing friends and loved every minute of it. She also recalled how the advances in technology over the years.

"The job has changed so much in the last 30 years," said Imelda. "It's all to do with the introduction of technology. When I started here, we had the old library card system. It was lovely, it worked. Then the technology advanced and probably the the biggest thing they introduced was the shared system that means you can get your books from all over the country. It really is a wonderful system."

A highlight of her career was seeing the recent refurbishment of Nobber Library, which was completed just before Covid.

"It really is a beautiful library and it was a lovely way to finish off your working career, to see it refurbished."

Imelda took great joy from seeing children read and helping them to chose a book.

"It's lovely to get a child to read something different. Something they didn't think they would like and then when they come back and say I liked that book. I take great joy from that."

Imelda knew everyone by name and said her great recall for names was something a lot of people commented on.

"Someone might come in and I might not have seen them for 20 years but I'll say don't tell me, leave it with me and the penny will drop who they are and now they are coming in with their own children to use the library," said Imelda.

"I was keeping it quiet but then a woman came in last week that I've known since I came here. I thought I can't not say to her I won't be here the next time you come. I said I just wanted to say thank you for all the chats we had, all the friendship over the years. Who's going to pick out my books for me now, she said."

"I'm not going to let myself get emotional but I probably will come Wednesday. It is a lovely, lovely job and I have been privileged and blessed and I've loved it.

"One man referred to this as a paid hobby and I think that's how I'd like to remember it. It is a paid hobby, I have been blessed."