€3.3m for housing adaptation grants in Meath

Funding of €3.3m for Housing Adaptation Grants for Older People and Disabled People living in Meath were announced today by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD and Minister of State for Local Government and Planning, Alan Dillon TD.

The grant is to assist with the necessary adaptations, repairs or improvement works to make accommodation more suitable to the needs of older and disabled people supporting them to live in their homes.

Eighty per cent (€2.7m) of the grant comes from exchequer funding through the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, while the remaining 20 per cent (€675k) comes from Meath County Council, who administer the scheme

Commenting today Minister O’Brien said: “I am delighted that we are able to allocate increased funding for Meath in 2024 to ensure delivery of these much needed grants which will allow Meath County Council to continue to support older and disabled people to live independently and in their own homes. As I travel around the country I am regularly meeting and speaking with people who have received assistance through these grants and the difference they make in helping people to live independently for as long as possible is remarkable. These grants also support local economies, creating employment opportunities for local contractors and businesses which is very important."

Grants of up to €30,000 are available to assist disabled people carry out necessary works to make a house more suitable for their needs. Additionally, grants of up to €8,000 are available to assist older people to have necessary repairs or improvements carried out on their homes and grants of up to €6,000 are available for mobility aids.

When combined with the local authority contribution, funding of over €93 million in 2024 will deliver some 13,000 grants for older people and disabled people to facilitate them living independently in their own homes.

Minister Dillon added:

“I am pleased that funding for our local authorities to administer this scheme has continued to increase year on year since 2014. This Government is committed to this scheme as these grants are fundamental in aiding older and disabled people in their daily lives. These grants have such a positive impact on the home life of the many beneficiaries and play a vital role in helping disabled people and people who are reaching an age in life when they are less mobile, to continue to live independently in their own homes.

“As Minister of State with responsibility for housing for older people and disabled people, I am fully committed to supporting individuals to remain at home and within their own communities for as long as possible. The funding announced today will facilitate this goal for many”.

The allocation has been welcomed locally by Kells councillor Paul McCabe who said: "An increase in the housing adaptation grant allocations is something I’ve been arguing for some time. It allows people to stay in their own home and live and an independent life. The Housing Adaptation Grant is targeted towards older people and people with a disability.

“It’s essential for helping them to maintain their independence and remain in their own home should they wish to do so. This grant will be vital for people to install stair-lifts, grab-rails, shower rooms or ramps, all of which are so important for empowering people to stay in their homes."

Fianna Fáil candidate in the Navan area, Niamh Carroll, said the €3,378,091 allocation for Meath County Council will make a real difference for people in the county.

She said: "On my canvass I have met so many older and disabled people who have received this grant to adapt their homes.

"The grants assist people with a disability to have necessary adaptations, repairs or improvement works carried out in order to make their accommodation more suitable for their needs.

"They are hugely important to assist older and disabled people living in poor housing conditions to have necessary repairs or improvements carried out."