Navan site that was earmarked for Ireland's largest primary care centre is now on the the market

A site near Our Lady's Hospital in Navan that had been earmarked for ambitious plans to build the largest primary care centre in Ireland has recently gone on the market.

The much needed facility which would have enabled many local health services to centralise and provide a new home for the North East Doctor on Call service was to occupy a 62,000 square foot building to be built on a site at Moathill, Navan.

It was also to house a diagnostic imaging clinic, consultant rooms and community care services and there were plans to provide accommodation for the TUSLA regional headquarters, a day surgery centre and a mental health day hospital.

A pharmacy, dental services and GP practice had also been expected to be part of the building, which would be located beside the hospital and Beaufort House community nursing unit.

However, the plans never got off the ground when Meath County Council's planners rejected the planning application over concerns about the size and scale of the building and traffic concerns.

The proposal was being put forward by UHPC International which lodged a planning application in July 2021 for the facility but this application was refused in July 2022. The company did not lodge an appeal with An Bord Pleanala against the decision.

Now the 0.94 hectares site is on the market with TJ Gavigan auctioneers. It is zoned G1 Community use which is "to provide for community, recreational and educational facilities."

According to the brochure the zoning category is intended to cater for a range of social, community services or facilities which are provided mainly but not exclusively by the public sector.

Possible uses could include education, health, community facilities, and general public administration.

Meanwhile, when asked for an update on what is happening regarding the provision of a primary care centre in Navan, the HSE confirmed that it is in discussions on a proposed new primary care centre.

A spokesperson said: "The provision of a new Primary Care Centre in Navan, Co Meath is being delivered via the HSE Primary Care Centre Operational Lease Model.

"The HSE can confirm a Letter of Intent was issued to the preferred provider and this matter has now proceeded to the next stage with discussions almost concluded regarding layouts for the proposed new Primary Care Centre. It is anticipated the developer will lodge a revised application for planning permission regarding additional car parking in June 2024."

According to the HSE, the new primary care centre in Navan will include accommodation for adult mental health services, child and adolescent mental health services, orthodontics, dental, ophthalmology, primary care, Doc on Call Out of Hours services, enhanced community care, Enable Ireland and HSE Disability Services.

The HSE had not responded to our query on the proposed location for the facility at time of going to press and whether it is a site previously mooted at Balmoral.