New mobile field kitchen facility for Meath River Rescue built by Slane and District Men's Shed.

Meath River Rescue officially launch new mobile kitchen

Meath River Rescue have offically launched their new mobile field kitchen facility that was built by members of Slane and District Men's Shed to help and support volunteers in their searches.

The unit called 'Clint' will run off battery and petrol generated power and will have hot and cold storage units, sinks with hot and cold running water, microwave, kettle and soup dispensers and even WiFi which will be of great use given the remote areas the kitchen unit may be located.

It will allow volunteers to make their own hot drinks and will have equipment to keep food warm and store food.

The kitchen is also rigged with floodlights and a gazebo to provide shelter along with a table.

"Meath River Rescue volunteers go out in all weathers and risk life and limb to do searches and other activities. We wanted to do something for them and we came up with the idea of a dedicated field kitchen which will allow the rescuers to make hot drinks and food as well as store and keep food and drinks warm", said chairman of Slane and District Men's Shed, Kevin Macken, in a previous interview on March 16th by the Meath Chronicle.