The pumping station at Carrickmacross.

Progress on €32M wastewater project in Carrickmacross

Upgraded infrastructure will have capacity to benefit 16,000 people

Significant progress is being reported on a groundbreaking project to modernise the wastewater infrastructure in Carrickmacross.

Irish Water says this €32 million investment in the wastewater network is set to deliver numerous benefits to the local community, enabling future economic and social development for a population equivalent of 16,000.

The project is now reaching the midway point with significant progress achieved, including the relocation of the outfall from the Proules River to the Longfield River downstream of Monalty Lough.

It's hoped this relocation will greatly enhance water quality in both Monalty Lough and the Proules River, ensuring compliance with EPA license requirements.

A new inlet for collecting and pumping untreated wastewater into the plant has also been installed along with a final effluent pumping station to manage the discharge of treated water, and a 3.5km rising main to the Longfield River.

Progress also continues with the upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant in Carrickmacross, including the installation of a storm tank to improve flood protection and reduce pollution. Additionally, a series of operational enhancements are aimed at further improving the plant's efficiency.

Uisce Éireann’s portfolio manager Paul Fallon said the semi-state company remains dedicated to delivering state-of-the-art wastewater infrastructure.

“The new wastewater infrastructure is designed to cater to the demands of both residential and commercial properties, with added capacity to accommodate present and future expansion,” he remarked.

EPS Group are delivering the works on behalf of Uisce Éireann and updates will continue to the local community in Carrickmacross as this project progresses.

Other mechanical and electrical upgrades will also be completed at the plant as part of the project.

For more information on this project, visit our Carrickmacross Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project page.
