Anne Whelan, Tidy Towns, Mary Kenny, Trim Drama Group and Ursula Winters, Trim Traders at the mural painted by local artist Meghan Quinn. Photo: Gerry Shanahan

Trim flying Irish flag for ‘Communities in Bloom’

Huge efforts are being made this year in Trim to have the town looking its very best for the 'International Communities in Bloom' competition in which the former Tidy Towns winner is representing Ireland.

The south Meath town always looks good thanks to the Trim Tidy Towns Committee, but an extra special effort has been out in this year ahead of the arrival of the judges, Susan Ellis from Ontario and Bob Ivison from the United Kingdom on Friday, 12th July.

The Communities in Bloom competition involves winners from Communities in Bloom, Canada; Britain in Bloom; America in Bloom; Tidy Towns, Ireland; Japan in Bloom; Comuni Fioriti (Italy), Belgium, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia competing with each other based on population categories.

The colour theme for this year's competition is orange, which is featured in a lot of the floral displays and planting around the town.

There has been a huge buy-in from the local community with local homeowners and businesses ensuring their homes and businesses are looking their best. Buildings that needed attention have been painted and the floral displays are spectacular.

The approach roads have all been tidied up and there is a huge emphasis on road and street sweeping.

Brian Heffernan of Trim Tidy Towns said there has been a huge effort made by the local community.

“There has been a great show of support. Members of the community will be meeting with the judges on 12th July.

“A lot of work has taken place in the town. There are a number of new murals, including one at Aldi by artist Megan Quinn and another at the gate at Loman Street.

“A lot of planting has taken place, there is a lot more flowers than normal and we have the Communities in Bloom logo in a lot of places.

“We are representing Ireland so the council and the local community are going the extra mile. We are also representing the county in the National Pride of Place competition.”

The judges will be interested in the co-operation between the Tidy Towns committee and the council.

They will be looking at green issues and will visit the Prosper Meath Sensory Garden.

“Conservation of nature and the built heritage and promoting biodiversity are all major factors in the competition.

“The work of the Scurlogstown Haymaking festival is a great example. Residents associations around the town have been planting trees and wildflower meadows.

“Businesses have been painting their premises and Nook Interiors has donated paint to us.”

Brian explains that the judges will be brought to Boyne Valley Adventure Centre on the river, where they have a very good recycling project.

“They will also visit Trim GAA club who are working on becoming a green club. They will be shown water conservation, landscaping and tree planting projects. We have a Tree Map and a Flora and Fauna Map.”

He pointed out that Trim is very lucky in having the Porchfields as a major attraction.

Donna Pringle, the council's District Engineer said it was great for the town to represent Ireland and there has been a great buy in from the people of Trim.

“We have the new murals there has been a lot of painting, we have touched up the road markings. Anthony Conlon and his team do a wonderful job planting every year, but this year they have excelled themselves,” she said.