'A recipe for disaster'... Eirgrid warned over efforts to CPO lands for Interconnector pylons
A WARNING that any move to compulsory purchase land for the North-South Interconnector would be “a recipe for conflict” was made in the Dáil last week.
Deputy Darren O’Rourke said the project - a 138 kilometre 400KV line running overhead on 400 pylons will not be delivered in the way that Eirgrid or the Minister currently see it.
He was speaking following Environment Minister Eamon Ryan response to Deputy Pauline Tully, who had asked the number of meetings the Minister had undertaken with communities impacted by the North-South interconnector and the outcome of those meetings.
Minister Ryan said the Government does not have any role in the delivery of electricity infrastructure on the ground - it is for the system operators to determine the means of delivery of infrastructure, and in doing so, they seek to work in close collaboration with landowners and stakeholders.
“As Minister, I have operated within the regulatory and policy framework regarding the delivery of electricity infrastructure and have not had meetings with community groups about the project.
“However, Eirgrid has engaged, and will continue to do so, with the local communities affected by the development of the North-South Interconnector, as well as continuing to engage with the elected representatives of those communities.
“While we do not get involved in the direct negotiations or with any of the arrangements for the specific project, my political view is that we need this project to be built. It has been under consideration for 20 years. We have looked at it upside down and inside out and it now needs to be built.
“I will be supportive of whatever proposals are put forward by Eirgrid or the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU), as the independent regulator, for how we will do that, but it is time now to build the project and I will be supportive of whatever role the agencies have in making that happen.”
Padraig O'Reilly of the North East Pylon Pressure campaign said Minister Ryan was taking no political or governmental responsibility for the status of project, despite claiming it is critical infrastructure.”
Mr O'Reilly claimed the company had failed to meaningfully engage with local communities.
“Eirgrid continues to ignore and treat local communities as non-entities in this project. But it has never engaged with local communities. In fact, the latest engagement from Eirgrid has been a series of letters threatening a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) process if they do not sign up.
“Minister Ryan states that he supports a CPO process ‘or any other mechanism necessary’. Here we go again. We have government giving the system operators carte blanche approval to do whatever it takes to get the NSI constructed as an overhead line despite the many acceptable and technically proven alternatives. There is a very provocative ‘big brother’ approach being taken that is almost relishing conflict, as it believes the might of the State will win eventually.
“Needless to say there is not a word or action or support from our sitting government elected representatives, including our ministers who now have the power and influence to make a difference if they so desired. NEPPC will again be highlighting the facts regarding broken promises in due course prior to the next general election.”
Mr O’Reilly asked why Eirgrid was not being challenged on the fact that so few farmers have signed up to support the project.
“Is anyone going to address the reality of the fact that Eirgrid is wilfully spending and wasting huge amounts of taxpayers’ monies with absolutely no accountability?
“Is the Government going to allow Eirgrid/ESB sign contracts for production of thousands of tonnes of steel pylons irrespective of having almost no acceptance on the ground and no planning conditions compliance? Will there be any public transparency on this matter?
“NEPPC would like to thank all farmers and communities for their continued unwavering support over such a long period of time and we continue to recommend in the strongest possible terms not to sign up for any ‘pig in a poke’ offers from Eirgrid,” he said.