200 job losses for Drogheda

Around 200 jobs are to be lost in Drogheda as medical technology company Becton, Dickenson (BD) announced it's decision to close its plant in the town.

The plant, which which manufactures medical devices, will be wound down over the next two and a half years.

The company has been operating in Drogheda for 60 years.

SIPTU representatives have called for an immediate Government intervention following the announcement that the plant willl close in 2026.

SIPTU Manufacturing Divisional Organiser, Neil McGowan, said: “SIPTU representatives will immediately engage with the employer to attempt to save as many jobs as possible. BD has provided quality employment for decades in the county Louth area. The announcement of the plant’s proposed closure is a devastating blow to workers, their families and the wider community.

“All stakeholders, including the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Peter Burke and the IDA must get around the table with us to work on how we can save or attract quality jobs for Drogheda and the surrounding area.”

He added: “SIPTU will not accept anything less than concentrated and swift Government intervention to ensure an IDA-backed manufacturing company remains in this area. We cannot allow a situation where the skills of our members in BD and the infrastructure that is in place already is allowed to go to the wall while the Government sits on its hands.”

The company said the decision was taken as a result of a recent review and the decision was not a reflection on the work of the affected employees.

"As a responsible business, we have to ensure that all of our operations are efficient and that our resources are allocated in the most effective manner possible," according to statement.

The company said it remains committed to Ireland and that there will be no impact on any of BD's other Irish sites as a result of this decision.

It also said it is committed to working with the IDA to find a new owner for the Drogheda site.