Teagan Nolan pictured at a Spotlight show last year. Photo: Liam Murphy

Trim teen Teagan releases new single

Leah Doherty

Fourteen year old singer and songwriter Teagan Nolan has entered the world of songwriting as she just released an original song she wrote called 'Act Like It' and is the first of her original tracks on the way.

The Dunderry native now living in Trim has already a list of achievements and accolades to her name. Teagan has already appeared on the Late Late Toy Show as a singer and dancer and she graced the stage at the Junior Eurovision Ireland in 2022 and 2023.

Her new song 'Act Like It' is a summer pop rock anthem and showcases just one aspect of Teagan’s vocal and songwriting range that will leave you wanting more. Working with the Beardfire Music Production team of Rohan Healy, Al Quiff and David Virgin, Teagan gets to bring her original compositions to life.

Discussing the release of her song, Teagan said: "I'm so excited to be releasing my debut original song 'Act Like It'. I wrote this song during a free Irish class at school and have worked really hard on it so I really hope people like it. My family have been very supportive of me and my performing. They're not musical or involved in the entertainment industry at all but they have been bringing me here, there and everywhere trying to help me on my way."

Teagan is not only a singer, she also conquers the stage and screen as a vocalist, dancer and model.

Teagan is four years performing with OllyPanto as a dancer and vocalist, she has won singing competitions including Perform, starred in Christmas events with Arnott’s and Taylor’s, appeared in Smyths Toys adverts and regularly performs with Spotlight, Garageland and Music Generation.

Teagan has more music in stock for us in the coming weeks. "I am releasing another original single, a ballad in a few weeks. I love writing and performing more than anything", she says.

'Act Like It' is available on all streaming platforms now.

For more information, check out Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok @teagan_talent