Tusla reports over 7,200 referrals for child protections and welfare services in Louth/Meath in 2023

Tusla's Annual Report for 2023 has highlighted a surge in demand for its services with over 7,200 Child Protection and Welfare Referrals received in the Louth/Meath area in 2023.

The Child and Family Agency, marking a decade of service saw a new high of almost 92,000 referrals to its Child Protection and Welfare Service.

In Louth/Meath, there were 7,261 referrals to Tusla’s Child Protection and Welfare Service in 2023. 1,874 children were referred to Family Support services in 2023. There were 162 Meitheal processes requested in 2023. 134 young people/adults were in receipt of Aftercare services in 2023.

Nationally, 91,924 referrals to Tusla’s Child Protection and Welfare Service in 2023, an 11 per cent increase on 2022.

- 5,615 children were in care at the end of 2023, 90 per cent of whom were in foster care.

- 47,260 children were referred to family support services in 2023.

- 432 separated children seeking international protection were received into care or otherwise accommodated in 2023, 55 per cent more than in 2022.

- 2,904 young adults were in receipt of aftercare services at the end of 2023.

- TESS (Tusla Education Support Service) worked with 4,796 children in 2023.

- Tusla’s Early Years Inspectorate carried out 2,391 inspections of early years services in 2023.

Speaking about the Tusla Annual Report 2023, Pat Rabbitte, chairperson, Tusla, said in its ten years of existence, the Agency has grown significantly, adapting to the ever-increasing demand for its services and that the agency is challenged by the growing complexities of our work, including the demand for specialised services and supports, such as those for Special Care and Separated Children Seeking International Protection.

"The delivery of services by Tusla to families and children who need our support demands professional judgement and discretion. By its nature, we are not free to shout about our endeavours from the rooftops. The Board is, however, satisfied that the Executive and staff of the Agency discharge the mandate given to it by government with sensitivity, competence and commitment.

"Unfortunately, this does not mean that in the real world our supports will not continue to be needed. For instance, referrals for 2023, at 91,924, were almost twice what they were in 2014 when the Agency was established.

"The unique area of Special Care has severely stretched the capacity of the Agency in terms of both accommodation and staff during the year. One of several developments not foreseen in 2014 was the scale of the global movement of people. Notwithstanding improved economic circumstances the need for our services has continued to expand.

"New and sometimes complex responsibilities have been allocated to Tusla arising from reforms introduced by government. For example, Birth Information and Tracing, following on from the legislation, has absorbed a great deal of patient work hours.

“We are greatly appreciative of the dedication of our management and staff, our community partners and foster carers, and the ongoing support of the Department and Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth - Roderic O'Gorman.

"This year, Tusla celebrates its tenth anniversary as a more confident Agency, conscious of areas that need improvement and resolutely determined to continue our comprehensive reform programme.”

The Tusla Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2023 are available to view on our website at www.tusla.ie/annualreport23/