An old-fashioned steam train journey from Dublin to Kilkenny on Sunday, August 18 as part of Heritage Week: Pictured : Minister of State for Nature, Heritage, and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, TD.

Events lined up throughout the county to mark National Heritage Week

A number of events will take place throughout the county to mark the 25th edition of National Heritage Week, which takes place nationwide from Saturday, 17th to Sunday 25th August 2024.

National Heritage Week is an annual event dedicated to celebrating Ireland's rich heritage, with thousands of activities and events occurring across the country.

This year’s theme, Connections, Routes, and Networks will explore the many ways we are linked through our heritage – from physical pathways like roads, canals, and trails to cultural ties through family, pastimes, history and traditions.

Heritage Week is an all-island event with many free events taking place in every county, meaning events will be accessible to everybody with an interest in any aspect of heritage.

Among events taking place in Meath will be a Tour of the Black Friary Excavations in Trim on 21st August from 2:30pm - 4:30pm . The excavations have been running since 2010 led by the Blackfriary Archaeology Field School. Tours of the excavation will be available some important artefacts will be on display.

Meanwhile in Navan, Navan & District Historical Society will present an afternoon featuring the rediscovered images of Navan and its surroundings from the Hanly family's glass plate collection in the Solstice Arts Centre on August 25th from 2pm - 4pm.

Staying in Navan the Meath County Archivist will host a practical session in caring for your family archives where attendees can bring along their own records on the day to get advice. This event takes place in Navan Library on August 20th from 2pm - 3:30pm.

In other parts of the country an old-fashioned steam train journey from Dublin to Kilkenny on Sunday, August 18th, courtesy of the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland. A workshop on repairing beautiful old stone walls in Galway with The Friends of Merlin Woods. The Festival of Lost Skills in Co. Clare on August 17th, where Common Knowledge will host a celebration of traditional music and dance with a focus on heritage skills.

The Woodstown Viking Festival on Saturday, August 25th, bringing Waterford’s most famous Viking site to life.

People wishing to register a local event can continue to do so via the Organisers’ Portal on the website, even during Heritage Week:

Speaking in Connolly Station before travelling by steam train to Drogheda and Beaulieu House, Minister of State for Nature, Heritage, and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, TD, expressed his excitement ahead of Heritage Week this summer:

“National Heritage Week excels in uniting Ireland's built, natural, and cultural heritage into one vibrant festival. Over the past 25 years, it has significantly raised awareness and appreciation of our heritage, fostering more informed perspectives, changing hearts and minds, and ensuring the preservation of our incredible resources. As the Minister of State for Heritage, I am privileged to collaborate daily with the passionate individuals who organise these events. I regularly witness their extraordinary efforts to bring our heritage to life, showcasing the remarkable dedication that fuels this celebration each year.”

Chairperson of the Heritage Council Martina Moloney praised the crucial role of volunteers and community groups:

"Our volunteers and community groups are the foundation of this wonderful festival of heritage. Their dedication and generosity ensure the success of Heritage Week, offering diverse and enriching experiences for anybody with even a passing interest in heritage. The invaluable support of local authority heritage and biodiversity officers, who work tirelessly behind the scenes, also cannot be overstated. I want to thank all these contributors for the work they do not just in the run up to and during National Heritage Week, but all year round."

Coordinated by the Heritage Council, National Heritage Week has become one of Ireland’s largest cultural events. This year, a special Heritage Week supplement will be published in the Irish Times on Friday, August 16th, providing an in-depth look at specific events and the stories of the people behind them.

For more information and to find events near you, visit