Preston Lane, where CCTV is to be installed.

CCTV rollout in Navan ‘too slow’ say cllr

Calls have been made to speed up the rollout of 64 CCTV cameras in Navan due to the recent spate of burglaries in the town in recent months.

Independent Cllr Francis Deane put forward a motion for the chamber to write to the Minister for Justice and the Garda Commissioner calling for the urgent approval of the initiative.

An application for the extension of the Navan CCTV was submitted to An Garda Siochana for approval earlier this year.

Meath County Council has planning permission for 64 new CCTV cameras in Navan as part of the town's battle against crime and anti-social behaviour. Some have already been erected, awaiting Garda approval before switch on.

The extension to the CCTV scheme will see a ten fold increase in the number of cameras in the town.

The units will cover an extensive area including Johnstown and the laneways in the centre of the town. Four of the new cameras will cover the Convent Road area where there have been increasing problems with anti-social behaviour.

There will be cameras at the new park and ride facility at Moathill, Preston Lane, Cornmarket and adjacent to the Andy Brennan Park. Among the other new cameras will be units located at Johnstown Village, the Dan Shaw Road and Commons Road, Windtown Road, Kilcarn Bridge and St Columba's Crescent.

"Taking into consideration the many recent house burglaries and thefts in Old Johnstown Village, residents have asked for an update on when the 64 CCTV cameras will be installed throughout the Navan area," said Cllr Deane.

"I'm calling on the chamber to write to Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee and Garda Commissioner Drew Harris to ask them to speed up the delivery of this infrastructure," he added. "It is really important to get these cameras fully operational in action in light of the recent increase in break ins in the Navan area as they will provide evidence in any potential case."

In a response Meath Co Co said: "The application for approval of the extension to the Navan CCTV scheme has been submitted to An Garda Siochana for consideration and a decision will issue from the Garda Commissioner in due course.

"Subject to approval of the scheme, delivery of the project will then move through the following stages preparation of procurement documentation, procurement process, award of contract, and the commencement of the installation of CCTV cameras and associated works."