Slipway needed at new Blackwater Bridge, says mayor

The installation of a slipway adjacent to the new bridge over the River Blackwater could mean the difference between life and death according to a Navan councillor.

The issue the raised by Sinn Fein Cllr Eddie Fennessy at a recent Navan Municipal District meeting, when he called for the infrastructure to be introduced whilst engaging with Meath River Rescue, the Civil Defence and Meath Fire Service to identify the most suitable location for a slipway at that section of the river.

"The Meath River Rescue group are a vital part of our local emergency services," said Fennessy.

"Time is of the essence when called upon and the construction of a slipway next to the new bridge will enhance their ability to get into the water quicker," he added.

"Their base is located at the Beechmount Retail Park and several of their members live nearby.

“Ease of access from the Kells Road side of town could be the difference between life and death. There is a definite need to develop a slipway on that side of the river Blackwater."

Meanwhile Cllr Wayne Harding has again called for a slip way at Slane bridge that would be of great benefit in the events of rescue and even leisure activities.

"Access to the Boyne is of the utmost importance to the Meath River Rescue in emergencies," said Cllr Harding.

"And we elected members need to assist them in every way we can," he added.

"But there are also kayaking groups who would also benefit with increased access."

In its response, Meath County Council said that in 2019/2020 the local authority engaged specialist contractors to construct four slipways on the River Boyne between Navan and Stackallen and one slipway on the River Blackwater in Navan and following extensive consultation with various stakeholders.

Planning permission was obtained from An Bord Pleanála following detailed environmental assessments as both river bodies are designated Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) & Special Protection Areas (SPAs).

The response went on to say that requests from the different groups for an additional slipway at this location was noted, as the slipway on the River Blackwater, the entrance to which is from Blackwater Park, is located downstream of a fast flowing weir and does not allow for easy access upstream of this weir.

The new distributor road that spans the Blackwater, from the Kells Road to the Ratholdron Road, is at an advanced stage of development and while it is not possible to incorporate a new slipway as part of this development, the matter can be examined once the road and bridge construction is completed and a suitable location is identified, concluded the council in its response to Cllr Fennessy at the monthly meeting on Wednesday last.