Cavan to Mullingar rail connection proposed

In total 32 strategic recommendations have been made.

The reinstatement of a rail line connection from Cavan to Mullingar, and northwards to Armagh and Portadown has been proposed after the publication of the Final Report of the All-Island Strategic Rail Review.

Developed in the context of the “New Decade, New Approach” agreement, the ground-breaking Report- approved for publication by the Department of Transport in Ireland and the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) in Northern Ireland- sets out a strategic vision rail development across Ireland up to 2050.

The local line through Cavan, the report says “reconnect” many towns to the network and furthermore “boost connectivity” between Northern Ireland, the Midlands, and the West of the country.

In total 32 strategic recommendations have been made, aligning with net carbon zero commitments in both jurisdictions.

The recommendations seek to “transform” the quality of the existing rail system to the benefit of passengers and wider society on the island, through additional track capacity, electrification, increased speeds and higher service frequencies. The construction of new rail lines, particularly in the North Midlands and North West, is seen as crucial to widening accessibility and connectivity.

See next week's Celt for full report.