Cllr Alan Tobin recently picked up a tractor lawn mower for Ashbourne Tidy Towns compliments of Fairyhouse Forest & Garden in Ratoath

Ashbourne Tidy Towns is searching for new volunteers on its 25th anniversary!

Ashbourne Tidy Towns has just entered the national competition for the 25th year in a row and is looking for new volunteers!

The town has come a long way since its formation in 1999 with the population more than doubling in that time to just under 16,000 people. This year the group enters a new category as they move from (F) Large Town (10,001-15,000 inhabitants) and move to (G) Large Urban Centres (15,001-25,00).

"This will bring some challenges, but we always look forward to this! We have in fact increased our points tally every single year since we entered the competition," said Ashbourne Tidy Towns Chairperson, Cllr Alan Tobin.

"Our group of volunteers, over those many years, have contributed their time and in some cases, expertise helping to make our wonderful town clean, colourful and a truly great place to live in," he added.

"Our work takes us right through the seasons."

"In Autumn, we tend to our wildflower areas and manage cutting and seed distribution carefully manicuring these spaces, so that this vital pesticide free, and pollinator friendly area can continue to grow and flourish.

"As the cold onset of Winter approaches, our bulb planting begins in earnest on our roadside verges and playground. Our top man, Joe Jones services all our mechanical gear like mowers, strimmer’s and edging machine ensuring everything works like clockwork come the spring.

"As Spring beckons, we join An Taisce, and for the very first time this year, we successfully joined forces with residents in estates all over town and beyond as we embraced our annual Spring Clean. The cold Spring delayed all our endeavours as the rain just kept falling. However, we still got lots of fruit trees planted and hope that we can purchase more from grants and generous business and personal donations.

"Summer is always our busiest time, the national competition along with the Meath Pride of Place encourage new and exciting projects over the summer months. This year, we will revamp the stone beds near the bus stop at Deerpark. Along the old river walk, the Sli na hAbhainn, is really starting to take shape with tree and floral projects over the past couple of year begin to mature. We have a great project working with our biodiversity officer, Ben Malone, Triturus Environmental and the O.P.W as we begin an exciting Broadmeadow a river specific rejuvenation/biodiversity project."

Ashbourne Tidy Towns was recently gifted a new piece of equipment that will help their cause even further as Cllr Tobin explains:

"STIHL have even noticed some of the work along the river walk and we are delighted to have taken delivery of a new tractor lawnmower – complements of Stihl and some fantastic networking by volunteer Kieran Burke," he said.

"We picked up a mower from Fairyhouse Forest & Garden in Ratoath where Jonny & Terrina Brady handed over the keys of this wonderful machine," he added.

Volunteers are encouraged to get involved with the community initiative.

"We always welcome new volunteers and we want to thank all that have participated in our group over the past quarter of a century and more!" said Cllr Tobin.

"Thank you to the diligent Ukrainian community for helping us over the past two years, we hope that being out in nature has help you all find some inner peace and a sense of belonging," he added.

"Our volunteer work times are Tuesdays 18.30 to 20.30 and Saturdays 11.00 to 13.00. We also do regular litter pick and have spare litter picks, gloves and bags for anyone out walking that wants to help. Our regular Sunday morning litter pick takes place with our meeting point at Tesco from 09.00 to 10.30."

You can contact Ashbourne Tidy Towns through Facebook or contact Alan Tobin, Chairperson, on 087 611 7669