Dempsey hails new reporting system for traffic offences

The launch of an online reporting system to report incidents of dangerous driving, speeding and traffic incidents has been welcomed by Trim councillor Aisling Dempsey, however, she has questioned the decision to scrap the 0818 Traffic Watch number.

"While I welcome the online ability to report traffic related issues, particularly in the wake of so many local incidents and fatalities on our roads, I question the Garda decision to disconnect the established Traffic Watch 0818 number. In this day and age we need more ways to report not less.

"I urge everyone to please use this link to report any incident, no matter how small- it could save a life. You can report with the minimum of information, ideally you would have car make/model/registration, but they are not mandatory."

Cllr Dempsey went on to say that unfortunately there are so many speeding “hotspots” on roads that are to a good standard with driver behaviour being the issue not road design.

"Regular reporting to Gardai ensure they monitor the area more frequently and in turn can provide recommendations to the Council as to potential traffic calming measures, additional signage or road marking changes.

"We need to start calling out bad behaviour on our roads. According to the RSA, the 113 fatalities in 2024 so far, 44 were drivers, 24 were passengers, 21 were pedestrians, 15 were motorcyclists, six were cyclists and three were e-scooter users. In addition, as of 28 July 2024, 735 serious injuries have occurred on Irish roads in 2024."