Cllr Mike Bray at the Age Friendly houses in Athboy.

Athboy’s Age Friendly houses near completion

Leah Doherty

The new 28-unit Age Friendly housing development located on the Athboy-Kildalkey road is near completion.

The age friendly housing includes ground floor and single story units designed for older people as part of the Age Friendly strategy to meet the needs of the growing ageing population in Ireland.

The units have a universal design and age-friendly features such as wet rooms and low-maintenance landscaping and are located beside the old convent in Athboy close to the towns amenities and services such as the medical centre and community centre.

The spaces are designed with age friendly surfaces and footpaths to encourage activity and social interaction after the town had recently undergone public realm works to upgrade footpaths, seating and the Park.

Local Councillor Mike Bray said: “This is a beautiful project which will be a great benefit to the local area. 28 houses will be allocated as part of this scheme.

“Well done to the council and the contractors for their work on these homes.

“In May 2023 I had the honour of signing the contract for these houses when I was Leas Cathaoirleach and it's great to see this project come full circle.

“Wishing everyone who is allocated these homes many years of happiness and good health in Yellow Ford.”