Jean Strong and Jane O’Driscoll will travel to Kolkata in November where they will spend two weeks supporting and assisting children in slum dwellings, education, healthcare, rehabilitation and counselling in partnership with the Hope Foundation.

Bettystown women plot passage to India to help children in poverty

Two Bettystown friends are preparing to embark on a trip of lifetime to work with disadvantaged children in India.

Jean Strong and Jane O’Driscoll will travel to Kolkata in November where they will spend two weeks supporting and assisting children from slum dwellings with education, healthcare, rehabilitation and counselling in partnership with the Hope Foundation.

The Hope Foundation works with Kolkata’s forgotten children, those who have been victims of trafficking, violence, abandonment, prostitution, sexual abuse and severe neglect.

“We will be hiking the Himalayas and visiting Hope's projects in Kolkata to see first hand where all the fundraising will go,” said Jean.

“We are going to be working with children in schools, children on the streets and the night ambulance,” she added.

“It is going to be challenging but we are really looking forward to the experience and just hope we can make a difference.”

It was Jean’s background working with children that inspired her to sign up to this journey.

“I have worked with children all of my life and now I feel it’s time to give something back,” said the Bettystown woman.

“I ran my own Montessori school based from home for 15 years and then I trained as a special needs teacher and I worked in Donacarney National School for 18 years,” she added.

“Jane is a friend of mine who swims with me every morning, she said she was going to do it then I said I’d join her.”

The duo are hoping to raise the €4,300 each required for the Hope Foundation before they head off in November.

“We had two very big car boot sales in Sage and Stone in Duleek over the last few months and we had a Barbecue event a couple of weeks ago and we raised €4,500.

“We are hoping to have a coffee morning very kindly sponsored by the Neptune Hotel and cake sale and raffle on September 15th.”

Jane O'Driscoll who will be joining Jean on the Indian adventure says she was spurred on to take part in the trip by her late friend.

“I was visiting my best friend, Eimear in St Francis Hospice when an ad for the Hope Foundation popped up on Facebook,” said Jane who is a nurse in Beaumont Hospital in Dublin.

“I read it out to Eimear and she said 'you better do it Jane, life's too short,' she added.

“Eimear was only 42 when she passed away in February but I'm delighted that I got to share the details of what the trip involved with her.

“I'll be walking every step on the Himalayas in her memory.

“I'm really looking forward to seeing the projects in Kolkata the fundraising money has been in aid of and also put my nursing skills to use!

“A big thanks to everyone who has donated so far.”