MEP Carberry: EU laws can tackle illegal vape usage in Irish schools

Nina Carberry, Member of the European Parliament for the Midlands Northwest Constituency has issued a stark warning about the rising threat of Spice vape usage among schoolchildren in Ireland.

Recent findings reveal that one in six vapes tested in schools across England contain Spice, a synthetic cannabinoid with severe health risks, and there are increasing concerns about similar trends emerging in Irish schools.

MEP Carberry stresses the critical role that the European Commission can play in combating the online sale of illegal vapes. Through the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Commission can enforce stricter regulations on online platforms, making it more difficult for illegal Spice vapes to be sold and distributed to minors in Ireland.

"The DSA and DMA provide us with the tools to increase transparency and accountability for online platforms," says MEP Carberry. "By enforcing these regulations, we can better protect our children from the dangers of Spice vapes and ensure these harmful products are not accessible online."

With the return to school approaching, MEP Carberry underscores the urgency of addressing this issue as students head back to classrooms. The time is now for parents, educators, and communities in Ireland to unite in raising awareness and taking preventive action.

"This is not just a problem for other countries—it's a growing issue here in Ireland," added MEP Carberry. "We must be proactive in safeguarding our children, and I call on the European Commission to fully utilise the DSA and DMA to address the online sale of these dangerous substances."

The Hidden Dangers of Spice Vapes

A troubling recent example comes from a 14-year-old student in England who became addicted to Spice vapes. He described how his dependence on the drug took over his life, leading him to use it constantly, even during school hours. This case highlights the potent and dangerous effects of Spice, which can cause dizziness, breathing difficulties, heart palpitations, psychosis, and seizures.

"The safety of our children is paramount, and we cannot ignore the growing evidence that Spice vapes are infiltrating our schools. Legislators, parents, educators, and communities across Ireland must work together to prevent this dangerous trend from taking hold", MEP Carberry concluded.