A stunning image of Newgrange taken under the Northen Lights on 10th May this year. Photo: Corey Davenport.

Newgrange is Ireland's best historical site

Newgrange has been voted Ireland's best historical site in new research conducted by the National Lottery and Heritage Council in celebration of National Heritage Week 2024.

When it comes to Ireland's best historical sites, Newgrange stood out, with 25 per cent of the vote. This ancient site, older than the pyramids, continues to captivate visitors and locals alike with its mysterious origins and impressive architecture. The Giant’s Causeway came in a close second at 21 per cent with Glendalough taking the third place (14 per cent).

Meanwhile, The Book of Kells was overwhelmingly chosen as the book most associated with Irish heritage, garnering a remarkable 86 per cent of the vote. This beautifully illustrated manuscript, housed in Trinity College Dublin, continues to be a symbol of Ireland’s rich literary history.

The research released by the National Lottery, in partnership with the Heritage Council marks a collaborative partnership ahead during this week's National Heritage Week. The National Lottery raises over €4 million a week for good causes, that supports community and voluntary organisations all over Ireland, including hundreds of heritage groups and projects that receive funding through The Heritage Council each year.

In other findings of the research, the Irish Wolfhound fetched title as the animal that best represents Irish heritage (59 per cent) with the fox in second place (13 per cent) and Red Deer in third.

Commenting on the weather voted the top Irish habit passed down from previous generations (39 per cent).

Dublin was voted the heritage capital of Ireland with Kerry in second place while Sunday roasts are the favourite activity for Irish families and a sense of humour and 'gift of the gab' are the most prominent traits in Irish people.

This year’s theme for Heritage Week is Connections, Routes and Networks. It invites the public to explore the ways we are connected to each other through physical or cultural connections.

Jennifer Crowe, Head of Corporate Affairs at the National Lottery said: “The National Lottery is delighted to continue its partnership with The Heritage Council for this year's Heritage Week 2024.

“Through the Good Causes program, we value and appreciate the impact of the work carried out by the hundreds of amazing heritage groups every year who receive National Lottery funding through The Heritage Council.

“As a partner, we are so proud to shine a light on this wonderful initiative and the themed events that educate and inspire communities to connect and explore the many ways we are linked through heritage.”

CEO of the Heritage Council, Virginia Teehan said: “The Heritage Council is thrilled to once again collaborate with the National Lottery for National Heritage Week 2024. This partnership has been highly rewarding, raising awareness and supporting heritage in all its forms.

“Our longstanding relationship with the National Lottery especially through our involvement in the Good Causes awards with the heritage award is something that we are proud of. On the eve of National Heritage Week 2024 I encourage everyone to explore and enjoy the heritage events happening in their local area and beyond.”