Young people involved in community work honoured

Two youth projects in Navan were honoured by Meath County Council last week for their positive contribution to the local community. The Youth Work Ireland Meath Project and the Meath Traveller Youth Group were honoured by the council for their generous voluntary work.

The young people involved received certificates and cinema vouchers in recognition of their projects which enhanced the housing estates and Navan and provided crucial safety advice and equipment to elderly residents.

The Youthwork Ireland Project saw a group of up to 70 teenagers and children transforming housing estates in Navan by making and planting flower boxes, floral displays, painting and litter picking.

The Meath Travellers Workshop undertook a great community safety initiative for pensioners in Navan and Trim, which saw youngsters delivering fire safety packs to older residents.

The Youth Work Ireland Meath project was organised by youth worker, Gordon Meighan, and took place in estates in the Commons Road and Windtown areas.

"So far this year, we have done 10-12 housing estates. The youngsters love it and the local residents are coming out and talking to them. It is a great way of building relationships between the young people and the community," Gordon explains.

"We stated on a very small basis two years ago and made flower boxes for Navan Hospital, Millberry Nursing Home and the HSE building on the Commons Road.

"There were between 10 and 17 youngsters involved. They made the flower boxes, putting them together, painting them and filling them with flowers.

"Last year we did 10 housing estates. There were 50 young people involved. They were members of our youth clubs, but other young people also joined in.

"They made flower boxes, did litter picking and in some cases helped individual people with their gardens."

"We were back again this year and this time, we had up to 70 young people involved. They refurbished last year's boxes and made more."

Gordan says the group will continue over the winter months as there is massive interest among the young people involved. "We will carry out litter picking and will look at growing vegetables."

The Meath Travellers Workshop Project saw young members of the Travelling community deliver fire safety packs and giving fire safety advice in Navan and Trim to Traveller famiies. They later extended that to deliver the packs and information to settled and Traveller families in five estates in Navan.

Marina Cunningham of Meath Travellers Workshop explained that the packs contained items like fire blankets, extinguishers, torches and hi-vis jackets.

"The packs were aimed at older people. We had young Traveller boys and girls calling to the homes of Traveller and Settled families, giving back to the community and creating goodwill. They were aged between 13 and 16. it was very well received and we got great feedback from the older people as well as the younger people."

The Mayor of Navan, Cllr Eddie Fennessy said what he enjoys most about his role as a councillor is helping local groups, in whatever small way he can, to develop community initiatives in Navan. "Our communities are a far better place for these groups and their effort," he said