Gardai investigate assault close to popular Trim landmark

Gardai have confirmed that they are investigating a serious assault which occurred in Trim last Wednesday afternoon. A man in his early forties was assaulted in the vicinity of the Yellow Steeple at Trim's Porchfields at around 3pm on 22nd August. Gardai were alerted to the attack by a member of the public.

The man was taken to Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, with non-life threatening injuries. Trim Gardai are investigating and sealed off the area while a technical examination was carried out.

It is understood that the victim received an injury to the face and was released from hospital later that evening following treatment.

Gardai in Trim are appealing for any witnesses or anyone who was in the area around that time with information to contact Trim Garda Station on (046) 948 1541 or the Garda Confidential LIne at 1800 666 111.

Inspector Sue Byrne said: "Gardai are investigating an assault which occurred in the Porchfields at around 3pm on Wednesday, 21st August. A male was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. He was brought to Connolly Hospital and was released later that evening."

Insp Byrne confirmed they have spoken to a number of people who were in the area at the time and has appealed for any other witnesses who have they have not yet spoken to to come forward. She said a technical examination has been conducted and that CCTV in the area is also being examined as part of the investigation.

It is understood that the area was busy at the time and there were tourists in the area as the shocking incident unfolded. Investigations are continuing and no arrests have yet been made.