Dempsey to run for FF in Meath West

Trim's Cllr Councillor Aisling Dempsey will contest the general election for Fianna Fáil in Meath West.

The daughter of former Education Minister, Noel Dempsey, accepted the Meath West Fianna Fail organisation's nomination at tonight's (Thursday) selection convention in the Old Darnley Hotel, Athboy.

Cllr Dempsey was nominated by Meath West without a vote after Senator Shane Cassels indicated that he would not be running in the next election.

The Senator was the last Fianna Fáil TD in the Meath West constituency in 2016-2020 and has served the constituency and country for over 25 years.

Councillor Dempsey said she was deeply honoured to accept the nomination and the opportunity to serve the people of Meath West if elected.

"We don’t know the exact date of the next election but it’s imminent; and the campaign began at the start of this year with the local elections.

"During that campaign I met so many people who can’t get a home, or access childcare, or services for their relative with special needs, or who must drive to Dublin every day because there’s no jobs in Meath West. And yet, next month, we’ll see that Ireland is in a very strong financial position with a surplus of over €8 billion because of the decision’s this government has made.

"If elected, I want to make sure that that wealth translates into better services, resilient communities and supports for people struggling every day. As a TD, that’s what my focus will be; to share Ireland’s progress and wealth so everyone benefits.”

“If elected my focus will be on housing, childcare and tackling the impacts of inflation. And I believe that community groups are critical in delivering the services people need in these areas. They are working continuously to improve our communities and need to be supported more by Government.

"It’s sensible that in next month’s budget, we are putting large amounts of our surplus in rainy day funds for the future. However, in Meath West, there are ample issues that require funding now. I will work tirelessly to ensure this happens. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact.”

Senator Cassells said that Cllr Dempsey "is now the standard bearer for us all as our candidate here in Meath West and it is a huge honour and one I have been lucky to have experienced.

"For Aisling it is a momentous night – one shared along with her husband James, her beautiful children, her proud Mum and Dad, brothers and sister and all of her friends and team that are going to be supporting her on this journey where she sets out to become a TD.

"Our candidate will become a TD when this election is held because she is markedly going to shake up the field and bring a dynamism and vigour to the contest that will draw support from all strands of life.

"I have no doubt that her campaign is going to strike a chord with so many people and reflect the pressures, hopes and dreams of families in all parts of our diverse constituency. From rural to urban."

He said tonight also marked the closure of a long chapter in his own life as he took his leave of elected politics.

"It scarcely seems like yesterday that I received a phonecall from the then CDC chairman and my mentor, the late Tony Stapleton, in January 1999 informing me not to worry that he had spoken to Noel Dempsey and I’d be on the ticket for the council elections that summer.

"And sure enough two days later I got the call that I was a candidate and so began what turned out to be a 25 year tenure of elected service involving 10 elections across four council elections, by election, Dail and two Seanad elections.

"But the next election is what is important now and in that respect we have a message to bring to the people of the country and most particularly in Meath West - that is one of delivery and a trajectory of investment that is continuing upwards."